Mika Murakami

Mika Murakami

Age: 18
Date of Birth: 21 September, 1999
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 109 lb.
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Blood Type: A
Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Teal
Drinks: Wine when moody, beer when not
Likes: Spicy food
Dislikes: Arrogance, rudeness, bullies

The youngest of three children, Mika Murakami led a sheltered, uninteresting life. Mika did well in school, but unlike her older siblings, never exhibited a particular aptitude for anything else. Intense fear of failure keeps Mika from ever taking risks, thwarting any hope of success at anything worthwhile.

Most people find Mika to be cold and aloof, living in a state of self-imposed isolation. Even people who know her are often frustrated by her defeatist attitude and her habit of taking everything absolutely seriously.

Mika tries to appear comfortable accepting guaranteed mediocrity in lieu of potentially disastrous failure, but inside she yearns for the things other, braver people have, and is bitterly resentful of them.